The dōTERRA business model is very simple. Whether you are just sharing with friends or building your just help people get their own dōTERRA Wholesale Account. That's it. We don't sell rollers, bath salts, bottles of oils or anything else. We have no inventory to store, no storefront to pay for, no employees. It's the simplest business on the planet. You don't need to sell doTERRA. You just need to tell people about it and tell them how to get their own account. SHARE it.
1. Tell people you love your oils and why.
2. Help them get their own account with you.
3. Help them fall in love with the product & get on LRP & save.
4. Help them share dōTERRA, so they can earn some $ to pay for their habit or create an income.
5. Use your existing team Facebook groups and training groups to keep it simple and not recreate the wheel!
For your everyday, easy-to-share dōTERRA trifold brochure (see sample below) order from It's a simple, one page brochure, approved by dōTERRA. It not only tells them the basics, but it also tells them how to enroll with you. They are great for:
1. Handing out at casual settings in lieu of a business card.
2. Using to teach a shorter, simpler class.
3. Handing out at vendor events.
4. Handing out to anyone and everyone.
5. They make a great brochure display.
6. Save it to your phone as screenshots and send via text, pm or email!
It's as easy to share as 1-2-3
1. Trifold
2. 60 Second Enrollment Script (post 5)
3. Add em and tag em in the FAQ facebook group. (Post 6)
If you want to do more and host classes, see post 5.
COMPLIANCE - To ensure that on social media you are sharing information that is in compliance with FDA regulations, it's best to pull free graphics from the dōTERRA Facebook Page and the group Oils Biz Dographics - found here
We cannot make claims of what our oils do beyond what dōTERRA has had approved with the FDA. This is a great tutorial from dōTERRA and this page will also help